Monday, November 15, 2004


Gig went great. Not too many people, but we cleared $200, which means one more gig like that and we might have everyone in the band paid off for what we bought. The bar was no better or worse than Choppy's. Same good folks there. Small place. I didn't even mic my bass drum, and Donna and others said we sounded the best we ever have. Brian Jefferson even showed up and played Harmonica on some songs with us. Donna sounded great. I'd say that even if I wasn't biased. A couple of folks (Beth, Maria and her husband Scott) from Cat's Corner showed up. We'll be back there on December 18th. Probably a bit early for Liam's first live performance, but you know...

Still nothing on Bristol. It's almost the exact same distance North to South highwaywise from everybody. It's been 18 days since I interviewed, and it's driving me batty. There are quite a few things I need to start here at the Journal, but won't need to worry about if I'm leaving. Of course besides not having been offered the job yet, I've not accepted it either. No idea either way, just priming myself for some good sour grapes if they offer it to the other person... And the longer it takes to hear something, the more it feels like they are in negotiations with the other guy.

Patience, Grasshopper. Patience.

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