Thursday, June 03, 2004

Beach... and a ticket stub.

I found my ticket stub to Vanilla Ice. And I've been rediculed for keeping things as such. Pssssshaw.

Will and Meghan have big news. I won't say what it is, but, since they are already married, there's only one more big news thing there could be, soooooo. Holy Cow! If anybody didn't know, and this shouldn't be here, well too bad.

Went to the beach with Donna and family and neighbors. Played in the ocean and didn't get hurt. This is a first for me. Still haven't gotten those pics up.. Maybe tonight.. Got a few great ones of Nora Shearer from Jeremy's camera last night. She is an adorable little thing.

Melissa and Jeremy had Nora. I cried.
Found my birth mother. I cried. Many times.
Doug Millington turned 30. I cried. And missed. Everybody there.
Dad retired. I spoke. I cried. Did I mention that?
I've cried more spontaneously since I've hit 30 than in my 'pre-triple-decade' life. Is this right?