Heeee! Almost Fiddler's! One more day of work this week, and then..! Fiddles and Mandolins and Will's mom singin and playing behind the house and and and and and and and....
I finally got published in the
Bristol Herald Courier this past Saturday. Unfortunately, our chief photographer got his shin and other bones in the area demolished by a high-school football player.. Fortunately (for me) I got to shoot football with a sweeet Nikon D2h the other night. My pictures weren't great, but they were okay considering I'd not ever used the camera, I was cold, and.. welll. It's been at least five years since I shot football.. The last being the Carolina Panthers when they really sucked with a manual focus 300/f4....... Either way.. pretty fun..
And a bit of me hates it. I've been looking into a digital back for all my Pentax lenses, and now, no matter what I get, it's not going to equal the dit-dit-dit-dit-dit-dit-dit-dit-dit-dit- (x41) of that Nikon bursting through somewhere near eight frames a second before it has to write all those pictures to the CF card. Oh my goodness that felt good... And there's no way I'm dropping $5000 on a D2h with a 80-200 2.8.. but Mmmmmmmmm... Lottery...
Can't wait to see everybody.. When the hell are Geoff and Stacy getting back? Isn't it about time?
Oh.. And I started Donna a blog... Don't know if she'll like what I created, but she's not seen it yet.. nor does she even know about it yet.. bellamammal.blogspot.com... We'll see!