Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Congratulations Candy Crane for winning my spelling quiz. Tenacity in the header is now spelled correctly.

Pictures from Columbus

Here is a link with the pictures from Columbus. They are actually from Tupelo, but...
Follow the link below for the movie(s).

I think Jamie agreed that the longer one is better if you know me and can hear me ramble. Of course if your connection time matters, I'm sure the short one will suffice.

And then click on 'Columbus.' This is so all their pictures don't show up in Google. May or may not work. We'll see.

Monday, August 16, 2004

And furthermore...

Holy Cow.

Still have no idea how to relate this miraculous experience. And once again, until I can put it into words, here is a video. Kind of big, but there are two versions. The longer just has me driving more and missing the turn.

I love and miss you all.

Here is the page.

Look for the new video links. And remember I'm not sharing up a T1 from my house or anything, so it's not your connection... it's mine..